Volunteers are the heartbeat of USANA® Kids Eat.

We Would Love Your Help!

Volunteers help us support fundraising and packing events, pack backpacks, process and restock the packline, and deliver food to kids. Create an account on our volunteer portal to view all volunteer signups. Scroll down to see more details about ALL the ways to get involved. 

Three Ways to Get Involved!

Bring your group to our packing facility to volunteer on our food pack assembly line! All you need to do is schedule, show up, and we will have all the food ready for you on our packing line. Your group will participate in a variety of packing, restocking and food processing while you are here. Our volunteer time slots are for one hour. We offer this for individuals, families and small groups (Mixed group packing) or for larger groups between 20-40 people (large group Wednesdays). Signups are on the volunteer portal and available Sept-April. Signup Early! This is our most popular option, so the signup is usually booked several months out.

For larger groups, Host a MOBILE OFFSITE Event at your own site. These large packing events are a mix of service and donation combined. We require a 200 packed bags minimum. We provide you with a list of the food you need to gather and have ready for that day and you purchase the food. We attend your event, do a packing demonstration, oversee the event, and load the packed bags onto our truck. These are typically corporate or large church/community events. You will want to schedule this several months in advance. Contact us for more details and to schedule.

Holiday Bag Project- This do-at-home project runs Nov-Dec each year. You are able to sign up on our volunteer portal for a certain number of food bags that you will provide to a specific school. Instructions are provided, and you will shop, assemble, and deliver these bags on your own. This is popular with families and corporate teams as a fun holiday project that’s easy to do on your own time. Watch for details to be posted around Nov 1 on social media and website, with signups available on the volunteer portal at that time too. This is the only do-at-home project we offer.